Monday, March 23, 2015

Okay. On.

All that I have is a river
The river is always my home
Lord, take me away 
For I just cannot stay
Or I'll sink in my skin and my bones

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Please help me build a small boat
One that'll ride on the flow
Where the river runs deep
And the larger fish creep
I'm glad of what keeps me afloat

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Now deeper the water I sail
And faster the current I'm in
That each night brings the stars
And the song in my heart 
Is a tune for the journeyman's tale

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Now the land that I knew is a dream
And the line on the distance grows faint
So wide is my river
The horizon a sliver
The artist has run out of paint

Where the blue of the sea meets the sky
And the big yellow sun leads me home
I'm everywhere now
The way is a vow 
To the wind of each breath by and by

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nothing in Minneapolis

The Once, Stu Larsen, Passenger

Fireside, new flowers, new bed, same skin,
new haircut but still the same,
Lakeside, new sheets, new drive, same brain,
new song but still the same.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Arms of the Ocean

So happy when I hear my students humming along to this song during independent work time. They don't the meaning of the lyrics. Neither do I. But I know it's pretty and soothing. Good start your work day music. Good lullaby music. Lights out and play this at that inaudible, and yet slightly audible, volume.
wrapped in a blanket

Listening to: Florence + the Machine
Eating: Talenti Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip Gelato... I don't even have words
Looking forward to: Vacation in Florida with the fam in April and visit to Charlotte to visit Katie in May
Reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (rereading...) and I Was Told There'd Be Cake
Enjoying: Decaf coffee at night
New purchase: Raspberry Rhapsody by Maybelline
Missing: My family... especially around St. Patrick's Day
Thankful for: My roommates and mindless Bachelor Monday nights


Monday, February 3, 2014


Fog on the Thames, London, 1954, by Inge Morath
Fog on the Thames, London, 1954 by Inge Morath

Even if you asked where I've been for the past 2 months, I don't think I'd be able to give a clear answer. A little here. A little there. A little physically present.  A little thoughtfully present. Thoughts floating. Mainly to Ireland and England.

My 5th graders and I were talking about the word "mist" last week, and I swear their attempts to explain what the word means could be short poetry.

"It's... like... the .... when my mom picked me up from school. She had an umbrella. And she held out her hand and we ran to the bus. That was mist."


"When someone throw you the ball in gym class and you don't catch it."
Me: "Are you talking about the word missed?"
"Oh. Yes. Missed. I'm so confused."

Bless their little, loving hearts.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Away, away, away

A weekend escape to Northern Minnesota with friends.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Coffee with Laurie

There's been a whole lot of change. New job, new roommates, new students, new thoughts. Duh new thoughts. But, fresh thoughts. Those don't always come, or at least ones that really make you take a step back and reflect.

My body and mind are tired right now. I've been getting up at 5:15 for work and am still adjusting, because although I'm waking up substantially earlier than I use to, I still go to bed fairly late. Must. Change. That. Habit. But, even though I'm tired, I want to take a few moments to write down a few highlighted positives from the recent few weeks... Has there been overwhelming things going on too? Yes. Very much so. But, I already let those overwhelming matters consume my thoughts more than I'd like to, so I'll focus on the positive, smiley face type stuff. That's where it's at.

I've made an unexpected friend. Her name is Laurie, and she is the grandmother/guardian of one of my former students.  I've always gotten along really well with Laurie, but this year with her and her grandson (a person I hold near and dear to my heart) was absolutely wonderful. A blessing.  And this summer, she really took me under her wing.  She started calling me her adopted daughter.  She invites me to go to church with them every week.  We just like each other, and most importantly, we both care immensely about the young man under her roof.  This young man, who I swear has great potential to be the future president of the United States, goes to the library with me just about every Saturday.  One Saturday she called me when I was on my way to say that he wasn't going to be ready at the time I usually pick him up because he had spent the night at his auntie's house.  I told her no worries and that I didn't mind waiting until he got there.  She then said, "Well, come on over and I'll put on a pot of coffee and we can just chat."  So, I did just that.  It was a serene way to start my day. As soon as I knocked on the door she greeted me with a hug and pointed in the direction of the coffee pot, where she had also laid out all the essentials.  We then sat on her couch, she in her robe and I in my workout clothes, and just talked for 45 minutes.  The sun was shining through the blinds and we each filled our cups twice.  It felt like a movie.  But, it was better than a movie, because it was real.  The sheer joy that I felt being with Laurie was I think one of those moments when you truly realize, feel and start to believe that the simple moments in life are the best.  I could go on and on about Laurie.  I'm sure I will post more in the future about our relationship and how great of a person she is.  For now, I'll just harbor and protect the love I feel for her and her family.  They've been a blessing to me. A second family while away from my own.

Favorite Spot
Growing up I read books all the time.  I loved to read. I still do.  I don't necessarily get as much time to read as I'd like, but I still get that sense of peace when I'm enveloped in a good book. I'm gong to work really hard on making a conscience effort to maintain a work/life balance this year.  Ya know, just got to know when to say, "Enough is enough."  I've been walking to my favorite place every night after work for just 30 minutes of quiet or 30 minutes of reading.  No one else is around.  I don't have my computer. I just lay down on the grass by this big tree and rest. I'm surrounded by big tress and beautiful flowers.  The lake is half a block away. So blissful.  It's my favorite spot in Minnesota.  My "secret, not so secret spot" that maybe I'll write about in a book someday.

Here's to coffee with friends and to quiet time under the blue sky.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Toussaint Morrison

Feeling this. From Minneapolis. Represent. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Go Big Or Go Home

 Did a photoshoot with my little cousins :)
 Twins vs. White Sox at Target Field with Lauren and Mal
 Hannah's ballet recital
 Madeline being adorable
Me and Madeline

The previous pictures have absolutely nothing to do with the following.  Just a heads up.

It was May. I had just finished a long day. I was tired.  I was hungry. I had my heart set on one thing, and one thing only... Leeann Chins. Once I had made up my mind that I was getting it for dinner, I was getting it. There were no ands, ifs or buts about it. So, I searched for it on my phone. There was one ten minutes away from where I was. Bingo. I headed there.  I sat in traffic. So instead it took 20 minutes.  My phone told me that I had arrived at Leeann Chins, but guess what, the place had been knocked down and was now a parking garage.  The feeling of defeat.  The feeling of, "Ohhhhh heck no." It started to pour. A little bit of lightning.  Some may have stopped the journey there and just headed home to make a PB&J.  But not me. I drove another 20 minutes out of my way to the next closest Leeann Chins.  Finally.  I was a little ashamed that I had prioritized something so silly.  But, mostly, I felt satisfaction.

I contently ate my food at home with the rain still pouring.

Recently my roommate and I were shooting the breeze around our kitchen table.  We were talking about for how some health reasons/surgeries/etc people have to fast for 3 days or so.  She said that she didn't think she could do it.  I said I think I could.  This then turned into a conversation of how I have no sense of moderation (my words, not hers).  I feel like these past few years (but maybe always) I've had a go-big-or-go-home mentality.  I admire my roommate's ability to plan things out enough where she can thoughtfully make decisions.  I, on the other hand, feel like I make decisions too often in the moment.  And, once I have my heart/mind set on something, its got to happen.  I mean, once I decided I wanted Leeann Chins, any other dinner option was just going to make me mad.

I don't know how to sum this up.  I probably don't really even need to.  Basically, I just wanted to share the story about the one rainy night when I didn't give a care about anything in the world other than getting Leeann Chins and how it was one of the most pathetic moments of my adult life.  I can't believe I'm 24.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beginning of June in Minneapolis

 Blue hues. 
 Field Day Madness.
 Lake Harriet. Secret spot. 
Last day of school. We made it!
Minneapolis.  I hope I never grow use to this beauty.
My TFA buddies that work at my school. Very professional.

My second year of teaching just wrapped up.  I need time to collect my thoughts. But, I do know this, I'm so grateful for all the people in my life - family, students, friends, colleagues. The list goes on.  Whether near or far, I'm thankful for you.  The above are a collage of snapshots from the beginning of June.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Alabama Shakes

I'm ready for a porch sitting summer.

On repeat. My roommates can likely attest to that.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 A stormy day with coffee
Parents visiting me in Minneapolis

Monday, April 29, 2013

End of April

I'm writing right now early on Monday morning at a coffee shop before work.  I rarely wake up early enough to make this happen.  But the birds be chirping. The sun peeked through my blinds today in a non-annoying manner. The window was slightly open and the breeze was wonderful. I have a beast of a paper to finish for grad class.  2... pages... to... go.

Yesterday I tried out a new bakery/coffee shop. And its glorious name is Turtle Bread in Linden Hills.  I am familiar with the magic of Turtle Bread on Chicago Ave, but this Turtle Bread had a floor composed of black and white mosaic tiles. My favorite.  Also, in order to get to this location, I had to drive around Lake Harriet with the windows down. Bonus.

I haven't written here for quite some time.  I'm sure my entire 3 loyal readers (mom, dad and my dog Lenny) have noticed.  Minneapolis weather had been quite a goon for the past few months.  Now that it is starting to get nice out, I'll try to take more pictures and post.

In the meantime, here are two photos from when I visited Kevin in the North End in Boston in early April.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Red Tent

The Red Tent - Anita Diamant

  1. "If you want to understand any woman, you must first ask about her mother and then listen carefully. ” P. 2
  2. "He gave me a woolen bracelet.  It was nothing. No precious metal, or ivory, or anything of value. Just a woven braid made from leavings, the kind of thing shepherd boys make absentmindedly, sitting under a tree in the heat of the day, out of tufts of wool caught on brambles or blown to the ground." P. 53
  3. "I am lucky that your friend does not understand the meaning of 'no.'" P. 275
  4. "My beloved turned into a beacon as bright as the sun, and his light warmed me through and through.  Kiya glowed like the moon and sang with the green and solemn voice of the Queen of the Night." P. 320
  5. "If you sit on the bank of a river, you see only a small part of its surface.  And yet, the water before your eyes is proof of unknowable depths. My heart brims with thanks for the kindness you have shown me by sitting on the bank of this river, by visiting the echoes of my name." P. 321