Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kindergartners speaking their minds

{Image via}

Life in the elementary wing...

During my prep a kindergartner knocked on my door and craned his neck into my room...

DJ: Did somebody order coffee and hot wiiiiiiings?
Me: Why yes I did.
DJ walks in and puts a plastic mug, plate and chicken drumstick on my desk. He waits for me to pretend consume all the items and pretend give him money. Once I have finished....

DJ: Please dine with us again.
Me: May I ask where I just dined?
DJ: DJ's Doughnut Shop.

There are plenty of perks of having an office across from the Kindergarten room.

Before winter break I played in a staff/student basketball game. In response to seeing that game, a kindergartner said, "Ms. B, you are AWESOME at baseball. Even better than my grandpa!" By "baseball" he meant "basketball." And by "awesome" he was referring to my 3 missed free throws and the 4 lay-up points I managed to score when no one was guarding me. But, ya know, it's all tomato, tomahto, to a kindergartner. Nothing quite like the innocent naivety of a 5 year old to make you feel like a NBA all star.

In unrelated news...
Missing: Summer days at home on my hammock
Listening to: "I Know You" by Bright Eyes
Craving: Double baked potato
Wishing: I could make a documentary on my students. Honestly, their lives and what they say on a daily basis is film worthy!
Happy: That this bike is on its way tomorrow! 
Reading: "Teaching Essentials: Expecting the Most and Getting the Best From Every Learner," for class and "The Red Tent" for book club
Need: Strategies to help get my butt out of bed in the morning
Thinking about: Upcoming trip to the Sundance Film Festival !!!

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