I very rarely dress for the weather. Today I went to see my advisor at nine in the morning. Jeans, t-shirt, flip flops. By the time I reached her office, I was quite sweaty. Pretty darn disgusting. Shoulda worn gym shorts. I think the people on the elevator with me were a little grossed out. Whatever. Hopefully I won't see them again.
What I'm really trying to say is, Summer, as much as I love you, me and heat/humidity just don't mix. I need me some fall weather. Sweatshirts and jeans. That's all I want. And maybe a cozy knit sweater. And a breeze. Some leaves falling wouldn't hurt either.
Anyway, aren't these earrings pretty?
{kate spade}
I wouldn't mind wearing them with this hairstyle. Now I just need to learn how to braid. And then talently (not a word?) make it look messy.
{via A Cup of Jo}